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Why choose Mama & Me?

My classes are recognised and recommended by local Paediatricans, GPs, Midwives, Health Visitors and Physiotherapists

On this page we will explore all the health benefits both you and your baby will experience in my classes.

My Class Layout:
Touch is the most developed sense at birth so by nature a baby massage class is the perfect "first class" to attend with your new baby and is a class you and your baby can continue to enjoy all the way up until they start crawling. Throughout my five week term we learn lots of different routines adding in a new routine each week. The structure of my classes looks like this:

Week 1: Tummy, Chest, Legs & Reflexology on the Feet
Week 2: Tummy, Chest, Arms & Reflexology on the Hands
Week 3: Tummy, Tummy Time (back massage), Legs & Reflexology on the Feet
Week 4: Tummy, Chest, Facial & Reflexology on the Hands
Week 5: Full Body Routine

Inbetween each massage routine we link it up with a yoga stretch & sing routine, allowing babies to have a much needed stretch after a calming massage. You'll notice every week I begin the sequences with the tummy massage routine - I do this as I find the tummy massage one of the most if not the most beneficial massage routine of all as at some point all babies suffer with some tummy discomfort whether that be colic, reflux, trapped wind, constipation and so on - so doing this routine first helps get things moving in the right direction before we move onto other massage routines with other amazing benefits.

During the routines we learn I link each stroke, stretch & pressure point with a word or song - exposing babies to a range of vocabulary is so important right from day one, furthermore your voice is the most soothing and reassuring voice so perfect to pair with a relaxing massage session. If you're nervous about the singing aspect in class - don't panic! I sing the along with several other mums that have been to several of my terms so if you want to sit back and let us take over with the singing that's absolutely fine!

Baby Massage & Reflexology Health Benefits for Baby:
✖A sense of feeling safe and secure aiding the deep bond and connection with their Mama
✖ Boosts circulation
✖ Builds muscle tone
✖ Natural pain relief from discomforts such as colic, teething, constipation, reflux, congestion
✖ Drains toxins
✖ Aids the development of the digestive, cardiovascular, immune & nervous system
✖ Improves weight gain
✖ Regulates breathing, heartrate and temperature
✖ Regulates hormones including reducing the release of cortisol (the stress hormone) & increases the release of oxytocin (the happy/love hormone)
✖ Promotes deep relaxation aiding deep sleep cycles

Baby Massage & Reflexology Health Benefits for Mum:
✖Enables mum to learn babies unique cues and communication aiding the bond and deep connection with baby
✖ Regulates mums hormones, including increasing the release of oxytocin in turn reducing stress
✖ Increases milk supply in lactating Mamas
✖Aids postnatal recovery including contracting the uterus post birth
✖Improves mental health - my classes have helped hundred of Mamas suffering with PPD/PPA, all of which reported after several terms with me their mental health had improved greatly

Benefits of Baby Yoga 
✖Aids development of balance, coordination and motor skills
✖Promotes longer, deeper sleep cycles 
✖Aids digestion by movement, reducing symptoms of colic, constipation and general digestive discomfort
✖Stimulates the brain and nervous system
✖Brilliant way to bond with baby and encourage social and physical development
✖Supports flexibility and suppleness of the joints

Gentle Sensory

In my classes I include a "gentle" sensory aspect in my classes. I call it gentle because when you think of baby sensory - you may think of lots of different noises/music, flashing toys etc. In my groups my aim is to calm babies nervous system into deep relaxation and my gentle sensory approach does just that. I put out on each mat a maraca, sensory scarf, mirror & fairy lighting infront of the mat with mood lighting on the ceiling above. Read more below on how my classes gently stimulate all 5 of babies senses.

Touch - the most developed sense at birth, as mentioned above my baby massage group is perfect to explore the touch sense as the whole baby massage, yoga & reflexology routines are through skin to skin touch, along with the sensory scarves which babies can explore the feel of. My routines are designed to get the oxytocin flowing, blood flow boosted, easing any discomforts caused by colic, reflux, teething, constipation etc, increasing muscle tone, aiding flexibility and mobility and so much more..... all through the magic of touch
Sight - I use special mood lighting to stimulate sight. Babies also have the sensory scarf, mirror & maraca to explore with their sight - which is also great for eye tracking development 👁
Smell - before each class I put my chamomile diffuser on to fill the room with a gentle, soothing scent. Chamomile aromatherapy in infants is known for its calming properties and thus improves relaxation and sleep
Hearing - as mentioned above I link up each stroke, stretch & pressure point with words and songs, something so unique to my classes as they were designed by ME, exposing your baby to words from day 1 is sooo important for their development. It's also a great way to sooth your baby as after all - your voice is THE most reassuring voice your baby can hear. Lastly, the maraca is also great for babies to explore by shaking and listening to the sound the maraca makes - allowing babies to develop understanding of cause & effect
Taste - now this is a tricky one! My classes don't stimulate the taste sense as such however my maracas double up as brilliant teething toys which babies take full advantage of in my classes!

& SO MUCH MORE! The benefits are truly endless.

My classes and routines are designed by me - an experienced postnatal healthcare provider with several specific qualifications allowing me to create truly unique classes, my qualifications are:

Baby Massage Instructor
Baby & Toddler Yoga Instructor
Baby & Toddler Reflexology Instructor
Baby Gym Instructor
Infant Sleep Consultant
Colic & Reflux Specialist
Weaning Specialist


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